A few dedicated Arya missionaries have started a movement in Kerala for spreading the network of Arya Samaj organization as it is necessary for carrying forward our works to next generation. On that basis we formed an adhoc committee to spear head this movement few years back on a Rishibodhotsav day (23 Feb 2009) at Aluva in Ernakulam district.
Within last few years we could start few sadsang units in different parts of Kerala. We could establish a registered working Arya Samaj at Malabar area i.e Arya Samajam Vellinezhi duly affiliated to Sarva Deshik Arya Pratinidhi Sabha (International Council of Arya Samaj). The establishment of Arya Samajam, Vellinezhi is the result of dedication and hard work Arya Pracharak Sri.KM Rajan and his team at Vellinezhi. Sri.Suraj Prakash Kumar (Fakire-e-Dayanand)of Bangalore gave his full support and blessings for building a strong Arya Samaj base here.
Arya Samajam Vellinezhi was formally established on 14 Sep 2013 at a grand function named ‘ARYODAYAM 2013’ held on 14 Sep 2013. Representatives from various Arya samaj units in Delhi, UP, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh etc.were present on this occasion. Based on this Samaj, we would like to further strengthen the veda prachar activities in Kerala.
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